Example Of Perception And Perception

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Growing up I realized the way my future was forming through sensation, perception and perspective. Looking back I now realize how my thoughts on sensation, perception and perspective have changed. For example when I would hear people talking loud outside my apartment I could perceive there was an argument. This sensation is the simple stimulation of a sense organ. As my age grew I now have a million different ways I could have perceived why people were talking loud outside. Perception is the organization, identification, and interpretation of a sensation in order to form a mental representation. On the follow up back of my argument example my perspective on this fight was I hoped that it would end soon. ¬¬Perspective is a particular attitude toward or way of regarding something, a point of view. Also perspective is an art style that changes the thought by giving the object distance or depth on a piece of paper. This term perspective depends on your preferences and the distinct experiences that you can come to a closure on the …show more content…

Chapter 4, Sensation and Perception descriptively tells us how these appear to be one seamless event even though they are two distinct activities. (130, Nock). Sensation is when you are using one or more of the five senses. The five senses consist of Vision, Hearing, Touch, Taste and Smell. Sometimes people sense they have a sixth sense when in reality they do not. “It is the basic registration of light, sound, pressure, odor, or taste as parts of your body interact with the physical world.”(130, Nock) Though when using our senses our brain does a great job of blocking what we do not want to see or hear and shows what we are interested in. This is called Signal detection and it is when the “response to a stimulus depends both on a person’s sensitivity to the stimulus in the presence of noise and on a person’s decision criterion.”(134,

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