Leadership Reflection Essay

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Over the course of this semester, I have learned many different things, from behaviors of leaders all the way to how to deal with difficult conversations and confrontations. I have been able to learn more about myself and the way I deal with leadership actions through the personal assessments and I have learned skills that I can take with me to the business world. Being a strong leader is more than just being someone who can do all the work, it is about being a people person and being able to grow your employees and much more. With the help of this course, I have been able to figure out my strengths and weaknesses and going forward I now know what I must work on in order to become a better leader. I think some of my own strengths based on “The Leadership Challenge” are leading by example or modeling the way, challenging the processes, and encouraging the heart. From my experiences I know that I tend to put a high standard on myself and the work I produce, I want to be the best and I try to do the best that I can on any work that I put out there. I hope that when others see the amount of work I am putting into projects and the …show more content…

I feel that I know how to illustrate to people where we are going and how we will get there but different people need different things. In order to inspire the same vision I need to be able to understand different peoples view of the same goal. For example, some people might see how to get to the goal and what the goal is by having a reward at the end, it could be of recognition or money. Others might be able to see the task at hand as a way of contributing to the company and will be easily brought along to aid the project. Everyone has different needs in order to be able to see the same vision of the task and my difficulty is to figure out what each person needs in order to feel motivated to get

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