Reflective Essay About Dance

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I’m speechless. Words constantly running, jumping, turning, moving through my mind. All types of thoughts, emotions, feelings, and ideas all shifting about in my brain, but yet here I stand speechless, not a whisper of a word heard. From the second we come into the world we are taught a language, which is commonly known as our first native tongue. And as time passes and we continue to cultivate, we advance to learn more about it and how to use it in conversation, reading, writing, and many other forms of communication. But what if after all those lessons at home and in school my spoken language is not enough. I speak and comprehend how to communicate, but my words, from the language which I have been taught, are not enough, and not understood …show more content…

And just like regular literacy and language, it modifies and improves throughout the years and as I continue to progress. The more that I practice dancing and the art, the better I will be at it and the more I will learn. I started to learn to dance when I was 4 years old and just like the words I spoke were simple and small, the dance move I knew how to do were the same. Dance classes consisted of pink tutus with canvas ballerina slippers and a whole bunch of hair spray and bobby pins. You could hear the loud classical music being played over the teacher telling us what are 8 count combination was in French. But as I got older and persisted going to practice 3 hours during weekdays and 5 hours during weekends, the more I exceled. I accomplished more advanced dance moves along with better control and technique. But as I got older and went through more things, I realized how much of a language my dancing really was and what I could truly express while doing it and using it to its full potential. I realized that I could use it to recount stories of events I had been through that had affected me and changed who I was. I could use it to bring a certain topic or problem into the light that I might have been going through at the time. And I realized that it would become what I used to help me cope and express myself through my entire life. It helped me express my feelings without having to use

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