Triumphing over Challenges: A Family's Journey towards Education

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Being the second oldest of eight children, there was never a dull moment in our house. Personality differences were common but the love we had for each other was obvious. With this being said, I am the only child out of those eight that has not only graduated high school but I am now working towards my Bachelor Degree in Elementary Education. We were a poor family and education was not on the top of the list of priorities. The first four of us were like stair-steps and seven years later came another set of stair-step children. My closest sister, Evie, was deaf and my mother sent us both to a school for the hearing impaired to ensure someone could communicate with her. I have fond memories of this school and the time Evie and I were able …show more content…

Children are born with basic knowledge, yet adults don’t always let the child experience the world to learn and attain knowledge from it. Adults teach children their ways, their opinions, their prejudice, hobbies or even trades. Throughout the life cycle we all learn from experiences. This is basically what Jean Piaget is trying to express that happens from birth. Something that starts out accidently conforms to a consciously deliberate action. I believe there is something to learn from every experience, every day, every moment or even every second. Knowledge is a person’s power that no other person can take away. Jean Piaget’s statement, “The principal goal of education in the schools should be creating men and women that are capable of doing new things, not simply repeating what other generations have already done,” appears to be good advice for new teachers. Maybe if we let the personality differences of the students come out in the classroom setting, then the children may be more involved and interested in the educational knowledge that is required with the help of the teacher’s hands on approach of instruction. One might consider, Howard Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences as well when working with and preparing instruction for the

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