The Importance Of Reading And Writing

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At first, the process of learning and comprehending was difficult. I struggled with connecting letters to make words, connecting words to make sentences, connecting sentences to make paragraphs, and finally connecting paragraphs to make a coherent essay. This process of connecting words and sentences took time, but with determination and motivation I learned how. I could not have made it this far without the advice and assistance from my literacy sponsors. My reading and writing skills improved with influence from my mother, Ms. Kathryn Campbell, and Mr. Phillip de Sa e Silva. Literacy sponsors, as defined in Deborah Brandt’s essay “Sponsors of Literacy,” are “Agents, local or distant, concrete, or abstract, who enable, support, teach, model, …show more content…

I do not remember when I first started reading and writing, but I remember my mother sitting by my side helping me sound out words. We would start out with simple words like “bed,” and end up with a more difficult word such as “proofread.” Reading aloud became easier because I could spell out the words in my mind. My mother encouraged me to read challenging books and learn the definitions of complicated words. My relationship with my mother is similar to the relationship that Alexie had with his father. Alexie wrote, “My father loved books, and since I loved my father with an aching devotion, I decided to love books as well” (129). Alexie’s father indirectly inspired him to read, whereas my mother directly inspired me to read and learn. Now that I am older and reading more complex books, I always keep a dictionary near me, so that I can learn the meaning of words. This practice has greatly helped me because it inspires me to take the extra step and learn something …show more content…

My initial thoughts about poetry class were, “Poetry class is going to be so boring. There is nothing worth learning in this class.” My perspective on the class changed after the first day. My poetry teacher Mr. Phillip de Sa e Silva taught me how to appreciate the beauty of reading and reciting poetry. At first, I was not sure of what I would expect in the poetry class, but Mr. de Sa e Silva’s teaching style taught me to love reading and analyzing poetry. He gave me good advice and pointed out areas where I could improve and strengthen my voice in the recitation and in my analysis of the poems. He did not force a love of poetry onto his students, but he was very enthusiastic about reading and analyzing poetry. His love of poetry rubbed off on his students. Mr. de Sa e Silva’s purpose of teaching “Poetry: Craft and Criticism” was to share the beauty of poetry with his students. Mr. de Sa e Silva motivated me to go further in my analysis of

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