The Importance Of Health Promotion In Nursing

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Throughout the term, I have been exposed to many new experiences that have helped me grow as a student nurse. My way of thinking about health and what it means to be healthy has changed since I started the Bachelor of Nursing program. Working with Older Adults at the St. Joseph’s Facility for Independent Living has given me great insights in ways health promotion can be implemented and can benefit that specific population. This learning continuum created within all our classes has broadened my mind and also my expectations of health and health promotion in the community context. Assumptions about health and health promotion My perspective on health has changed throughout my life. As I transitioned into adulthood my idea of health meant physical …show more content…

The residents would have access to and be able to create all the resources they need in order to effectively cover all the determinants of health that affect them. The residents would have the information to access those resources in order to improve or enhance their lives. Through health promotion, the residents would feel empowered with knowledge about health and the determinants of health in order to effectively advocate for services within their community. Once the community was educated, they would actively participate in health promotion programs. Health promotion would encourage an empowered people that would be able to advocate for their health needs and be able to recognize the areas in which they require more assistance. The community would demonstrate the understanding for the needs of their fellow members and work towards the health of everyone by making everyone accountable for their health. These communities would also see different professional groups working together in order to create the best environment conducive to the health of their residents. In general, health promotion would essentially ensure that the socio-economic determinants of health are met in order to ensure the best environment for the people to achieve their full potential in life. An example of health promotion being successful in a community would be to have high …show more content…

My professional interactions have included meeting my clinical group members during orientation, performing key informant interviews, interactions with instructors, interactions with the older adults of our target population, and interaction with clients at the influenza vaccination clinic. In this time, I have seen the immense progression in my communication skills, non-verbal communication skills, active listening, and the organization of my thoughts. When meeting my clinical group, I demonstrated respect for my group members and although hesitant about not knowing my group members I maintained a positive disposition for the upcoming months. I actively tried to get to know my group members and work towards group cohesiveness and thus far has been a very positive experience. There has also been an opportunity for mediation within my group and have been able to develop those communication skills

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