My Estj Personality Types

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My Myers-Briggs personality type is ESTJ (“Jung,” 2016). In accordance with Jung’s personality types, my two-letter temperament is ET or extraverted thinking (“Personality Page”, 2015). ESTJ’s are normally enthusiastic, stable, dependable and not personally threatened by conflict or criticism (“Personality Page,” 2015). ESTJ’s weaknesses include a tendency to believe that they are always right, and they are generally uncomfortable with change. (“Personality Page,” 2015). In the workplace ESTJ’s are natural leaders, loyal, and typically hard working and dependable (“Personality Page,” 2015). Generally, all 16 personality types must get along, and through learning about ESTJ, I will be better equipped to navigate the business world. Needs Work STEP 1Good use of headings; About ESTJ Being primarily extroverted, ESTJ’s, thrive on social interaction and environments that have plenty of order and stability. Furthermore, ESTJ’s are joiners, in that, they seek out others that think like them …show more content…

At work, I am not just thinking about my job, but about conversations that I’ve had with people, and how I portray myself. I believe that I am extra image conscious because I constantly want to uphold my values and show my followers and superiors that I am doing a good job. One negative of this is that I have a tendency, like many ESTJ’s to become overly detail oriented which can lead to stress. I have ample opportunity during the day at my job as a scheduler to over analyze and stress about it. Part of being a balanced thinker is knowing when to let go of your thoughts and move on or be content with the situation. ESTJ’s also have a hard time putting their thoughts and feelings into words when they are stressed out – I know I do – so I think it is important as a thinker to also be able to recognize when they are stressed so that they can make a plan on how to better communicate to those around them when this occurs. Very

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