my grandmother life

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In these days our life was changed from our grandparent’s life, they lived difficult and hard life. We should know their life to derive their positive things and benefit from it. I asked my grandmother about her nutrition and physical activity when she was a child. In this essay I wrote what she tall me about her life.
She was born in 1942 in a small village behind the sea. Their houses were made of straw and mud with a windows and “barjeel” which is a long cuboid shape in the one of the house corner for ventilation. They was ate three meals a day and some days only two meals. The breakfast was bread, egg and dates with Arabian coffee or milk and they ate only one kind it’s depended on the kind that are available. while the lunch was rise with meat or chicken but sometimes they didn’t have ether meat or chicken so they eat the rise with Yoghurt, or “Chammy” it’s made from yoghurt and ghee and it looks like yogurt , also there are “Maleh” and “Sehnah” . “The Maleh” made from some kind of fish they take the fish leather then cut the fish in small pieces with lemon. “Sehnah” or “jashe...

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