My Life Of High School Relationships

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My boyfriend has been through alot in his short life span. He was your stereotypical black kid that people label as a “thug”. Weed, underaged drinking, sex, just about anything that you can name; he did it. What outsiders don’t know is that although he had done all these things he had a reason to. Yes I said it, my boyfriend had his reasons to do the things that he did. Cause and effect. You leave the house, knowing that your mom asked you to do the dishes and you don’t. So as a result you get yelled at or things are taken from you, etc. Because of his lifestyle it was causing him to go down, and fast. Trevon was never supposed to be apart of my Senior year, it was a mistake. I was supposed to graduate and attend a 4 year college and go on with my life. I never liked high school relationships because people are always in your business and it comes with a lot of up and down days. But of course to my dismay I end up dating him and doing the complete opposite of what I wanted to do with my life. Trevon is one of the silliest, happiest, down to earth person that I have literally met in ...

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