The Importance Of Leadership And Management

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Question 2 A) As an administrator, I would help, direct and influence others who are in the process of attaining their goals, their needs and aspirations of their lives as well as that of the organization. I will lead the people to follow me. I will be the people’s follower, by so doing, I will ensure my followers achieve their potentials by creating a conducive learning environment, ensuring and maintaining a devotion to serving with achievable results, (DePree, 1998 p.130 as cited in Singh, 2016). My greatest reward comes from understanding administrative values. Understanding the community, the staff and the capability of delivering the right message, appeasing …show more content…

Balancing these skills to meet the managerial aspects of the organization like the business aspect, managing work and workers and managing the organization both at the community and societal levels can be quite challenging (as cited in Singh, 2016). This balance ensures that “a decision or action that satisfies a need in one of these functions weakens performance in another thereby affecting the whole enterprise” (Drucker, 1974, p. 398 as cited in Singh, 2016). Moreover, a higher level of expertise is required in the various disciplines to perform effectively. Reason why Drucker, (1974) cited “institutions does not exist by themselves neither are they an end to themselves” (as cited in Singh, 2016). Institutions are considered part of the society and mismanaging institutions will automatically destroy societal support for the institution. Thus, there is need for constant evaluation ensuring consistent connectivity with the society in distributing its resources (Singh, …show more content…

In such situations, it is important to monitor one’s reaction not to trigger some negative emotions to the staff that will carry them the whole day (Farrell et al, 2011). Being an administrator is heavy and complex. Everyone in the organization, staff, residents, and families seek daily intercession. My presence, responsiveness, and the ability to create a positive work environment directly influence the care my facility provides and the overall performance. Because my presence is such a big impact, it is important to recognize it and use the influence in a manner that promotes a good work environment. Always be conscious of my impact and use it purposefully to model and nurture the type of behaviors I want to see in my organization (Farrell et al. (2011). Setting the tone for others to follow. I will lead by setting an example and channel staff to the direction I would like them to follow. Create that teamwork and the idea of going extra mile to do things out of your job description. Farrell went further to paint a picture of the “graffiti-covered wall both because he wanted the graffiti removed and because he wanted people to see him doing physical work; work that was not his job (Farrell et al. p.2203,

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