My Greatest Influence: My Mother

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Even before my first tear hits the ground, my mother is there to wipe it away. My mother feels my pain before I can even realize it. She understands my needs before I can even think of them. That’s why we call her a mother. My mother has been an extraordinary influence on my life and always will be. She’s the kind of mom who would always take time out and care for her four children and the mom who would never let her hardships in her life distress her kids. My mother has always been a very strong role model to me, and growing up with someone like her to look up to has changed my life in many ways. She has helped me grow physically, intellectually, and considerately. She taught me to always love, care, and give back to the people I am grateful for. My mom is a unique woman. She is quite short, yet she’s full of energy. She has black hair cropped down to her shoulders and has golden streaks running through them. She has big dark brown eyes which open, to discover the wonders of the world. “Time changes people,” she always says. No matter what people say to her, she doesn’t let it aff...

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