Teaching Philosophy Reflection Paper

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Prior to coming into this course, I never really knew or understood what philosophy was all about, and the thoughts and concepts of philosophy of education never crossed my mind. Although I didn’t exactly know what to expect or learn coming into this course, what intrigued me to take the course was that I want to become a teacher in the near future myself, and thought that this class would be beneficial in helping me to be able to succeed my goals of becoming a teacher, as well as helping me build my confidence to become a teacher. I came into this course with many questions, however, I was able to learn more than I expected, and I will definitely apply what I have learned in this course to not just my future, but my life in the present-day as well. As I reflect back, this course has taught me much more than what …show more content…

As I want to become a teacher in the near future, I definitely want to foster and apply my understanding of these two concepts as a teacher. As I mentioned in one of my weekly reflections, when knowledge is combined with love, it allows students to become more understanding of those around them and become aware of the issues and problems surrounding themselves as well as around the world. Love is a concept that is often overlooked in the education system, primarily because educators tend to focus on the aspect of knowledge and its importance. When love is combined with knowledge, it enables students to be able to learn, grow, and transform as an individual. Furthermore, the love a teacher expresses about others can ultimately reflect upon the students, thus transforming their knowledge about those around them, and applying that knowledge towards the real world and learning to love and accept those around

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