My Goal of Becoming an Army First Sergeant

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In 1993, I joined the Army National Guard, as a Mechanic. Soon after enlistment, I realized Army life actually suited me; and, despite never having turned a wrench before, I turned out to be a pretty good mechanic. Through the years, I’ve worked hard in hopes that one day I would reach the top of the Army rank structure. Being promoted to the rank of Sergeant First Class was a major accomplishment. As a senior non-commissioned officer, I felt I had arrived and was perfectly content on retiring at this rank. That is until recently, when I realized the possibility existed that I could become a First Sergeant, the highest ranked non-commissioned officer in the company.

Achieving the goal of becoming a First Sergeant will require a series of events to take place. In order to illustrate this case in a hypothetical syllogism it would be best to do so using a chain argument. On the pages that follow, I will attempt to present the reader with enough proof to enable them to conclude I will definitely be promoted to the rank of First Sergeant. In addition, I will reconstruct the full argum...

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