Weaknesses Of Writing In English

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This semester was my first semester as a college student. Taking your college Writing 1 course to start off my education at Kent State allowed me to gain a basis for the next four years of my college career. Throughout high school I did not enjoy writing and to be honest I still do not take delight in writing, but your style of teaching has allowed me to see writing in a new perspective. I am relieved to have started my first English class with an instructor who shares their patience and extensive knowledge in a constructive environment.
I knew from the beginning that writing was one of my major weaknesses. With each paper or revision my ability to express my thoughts, ideas, and knowledge into words has grown tremendously. One of …show more content…

For a week I sat down and recorded my observations of a beautifully innocent purple flower I picked off a bush on my way to class. I has to watch it die slowly on my desk recording the decaying of its feathery petals and wrinkly leaves. It was a sad sight to see but it gave me the opportunity delve into all the different aspects I could write about.
Ever since I can remember I have had a fear of public speaking. Even our assignment for a short presentation had me dreading my day to be up in front of everyone. I was pushed to step out of my comfort zone, because I knew there was no alternative except failing the course. Another essay was out Photo essay, which as a class we spent numerous occasions expanding our minds to construct an essay on someone we had never met. I am thankful I had these opportunities in such a small setting and a supportive environment.
By the end of the semester I still found myself being challenged with new concepts, such as writing a monologue in first person from a person I have never met. At first I was skeptical, but then after sifting through TIME magazine and researching the time period I was able to bring everything together. Then came digging deep to find the confidence to read it aloud in front of the class. Nonetheless it was a divergent assignment that allowed myself to expand from simple essay writing and delve …show more content…

This assignment came at the end of the semester where I still found myself being challenged with new concepts. I thought it was going to be impossible to write a monologue in first person from a person I have never met. At first I was skeptical, but then after sifting through TIME magazine and researching the time period I was able to bring everything together. Then came digging deep to find the confidence to read it aloud in front of the class. Nonetheless it was a divergent assignment that allowed myself to expand from simple essay writing and delve

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