Field Of Interest Case Study

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My field of interest:

In my field we do numerous amounts of cases day by day, it’s sometimes hard to keep up with them. To do so, we cateriorgize them by what type of surgery they are. There are an abundance of surgeries, but they all play apart to the different major surgeries in our field, that’s how we can better prepare ourselves and the case. The major surgeries that we do are general, gynecological and obstetrical, plastic, Neurosurgery, and orthopedic. The list goes on, but these are the most common surgeries in the operating room. General surgery involves the basics, these are your common surgeries. The area general surgeries mostly focuses on is the abdomen area, surgeries associated with the bowel, the liver and spleen, and the breast. With abdomen surgeries, we focus on the type of incisions that we have to make like subcostal, or McBurney, this is for the appendix only. Knowing all the different …show more content…

Any surgery that is dealing with the bones is considered an orthopedic surgery. Knowing the anatomy of every name of every different bone is complicated and confusing at times, but very critical to know, to the top of the skull to the toes on our feet. Different fractures of the bone whether its open or depressed, or even impacted. As a scrub tech, it’s very important for us to keep track of the screws and plates and implants we put inside the body and bone of the patient. Orthopedic surgery is very risky, due to we never want an infection to happen to our patient when it comes down to their bones. It’s extremely hard to treat an infection in the bone. Surgeries that involve the arm and shoulder would include the bankart procedure and open rotator cuff procedure, to a carpal tunnel release surgery. Surgery for the hip and pelvis involves hip arthroplasty, and a fracture of the pelvis. Lower leg and knee surgeries are common in elderly patients due to them falling and knees going bad on

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