Learning English: A Journey From Learning The Language In The United States

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People in the United states take English for granted they were born into English speaking families in a majority English nation and little do they think about the difficulties that others have in learning the English. For me learning English was a journey from learning the language itself and adjusting for my newfound knowledge to the strained relationship with those around me and myself. My first foray into learning English came in the form of my Father, he insisted that I watch television in English, that I talk to him only in English, and to work on small books full of worksheets in English. For 7 year old me this was too much because all I knew was Spanish, my whole whole world was Spanish but in hindsight all that he did paved the way for my near impeccable communication skill. But as my knowledge of English grew the relationship of those around me deteriorated, especially with other Spanish speaking kids, I believe this occurred because they were jealous of my success. As they became stagnant I grew and in a fit of jealousy, hatred, and xenophobia they fringed me out, they formed a coalition to make the life of the American miserable, for too long I played alone (fun fact this time is where my love for videogames and computers started to flourish, and they say that correlation does not mean causation), for too …show more content…

Here I found the same amount of hatred and xenophobia that I found in Spain except here it was because I spoke English, here it was because I spoke Spanish, I was branded as the Mexican, on a daily basis I heard “go back to Mexico” even though I insisted that I was from Spain. The heckling only ended when we moved to Germany, in the American schools there I found my place, everyone was different but this only made us

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