My Teacher Experience

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It is generally believed that teaching is a noble profession and teachers are the agents of the future. They have the privilege to shape the students’ future and change the society. As an education student who wants to be a teacher, I believe teacher’s work is multi - faced and there are many moments or experiences that inspire individuals who want to be a teacher. This essay will introduce three of my experience that related to my learning at primary school which influences my desire to teach. The first experience is the critical moment that aroused my interest in education, the next one describes how my teacher Mr. P changed me and influenced me to have an idea to be a teacher. The last experience is about the interaction between my classmates …show more content…

I gradually found that I was good at writing and I could further develop it as my strength. According to The Early Years Learning Framework (2009), educators should have high expectation on students, assist them to become competent and active learner and provide opportunities for them to engage with tasks independently. My teacher would ask me stay in the class to write a diary every day for practicing and I was the only one she asked to do it. She valued my work and provided constructive feedback to help me improve my writing. Moreover, she taught me how to edit my work and submit it to a primary school students’ journal. Several months later, I received a package that includes a journal and a receipt of the payment for the article. I found my article in the journal and I received 50 yuan for payment. I was overjoyed and so did my teacher. Although it was not much money, it was a great encouragement for me as I was only a first grade student but my work is published in an official journal. This has special meaning for me due to the fact that it shows that I was respected as adults and given opportunities to express my ideas of the world. Since …show more content…

After the placement examination, I was divided in to the advanced class which was a new class. I couldn 't help crying and was reluctant to leave the old class since I had many good friends. I stayed in the dormitory and unwilling to go to the class. According to Comber (2006), teachers who employ relational work would be responsive to students, they express their respect to students through their body language and verbal messages. When Mr. P knew it, he did not blame me for not attending classes. Instead, he went to my dormitory, told the warden do not push me to the class. He comforted me by saying that: “I totally understand that you miss your friends and the old class. But the goal for setting up the advanced class is not to separate your friends from you. The purpose of it is to provide an opportunity for you superior student to learn at a faster speed and you are able to meet more friends who are at the same level with you. Therefore, you should be happy and try to make friends in the new class. You can always meet your old friends after class, you are not saying goodbye to them for good. Rather than being passive, consider it in a positive way and look forward. Try to get used to the new situation as soon as possible, you can do it.” He brought me to the class and encouraged me to adapt to the new family. According to The Early Years Learning Framework for Australia (2009), educators should build up a secure,

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