My Experience In College With and Eating Disorder

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I was ten years of age the first time I deemed that I needed to lose weight. My family and I (Mom, Dad and younger sister) were on a ski trip with another family (mother, father and ten year old son). We were all getting fitted for skis and boots and the store associate fitted us asked what I weighed and my mom told him. I overheard the mother of the other family informed the associate what her son weighed and at the age of ten I weighed a little more than the boy at ten years of age, so the message that I chose to believe was that “I am fat, and I am inadequate”. The exploitation became a part of my personality, I was treated poorly as a result of the way some of the kids in my fifth grade, but the overweight portion was entirely different. This is the first recollection I have of thinking I needed to lose weight, however my eating disorder behavior did not start until my sophomore year of college. Middle school was immensely difficult time for me. I had glasses and braces and in sixth and seventh grade went through an exceedingly at a maladroit stage. My comrades did an exceptional job of making those two years a living Tartarus. I’m currently twenty-one, but I still cringe when I contemplate about some of the unpleasant incidents I suffered with other kids during those years. I was a marvelous athlete. The only time the “cool kids” would be “semi-nice” is when I was tremendously superb at basketball. In the 8th grade I transferred schools to a Christian school and began to come out of my awkward looking phase. I received contacts and extracted my braces. It would seem that I would be awarded some confidence at this, but my self-esteem was nevertheless damaged. I made several friends and was in no way speculated there as “the ... ... middle of paper ... ...onably far-fetched goal. When I made the goal I was binging and purging daily and after making the goal which was rather strict, my recovery turned around. The first few days I just surrounded myself with people and went places I didn't want to trek just to avoid my eating disorder behavior. Getting days under my belt became easier and easier. Then I would slip and fall for a few days and then pick myself up. I ended up reaching my goal which I MADE myself believe I could attain. That was a week ago that I reached it. I was given some confidence by that, but I continue the struggle in a different spot. I became extraneously petrified that sense I will continue to fall way back again and at times I still feel like I fall way back but so far I have been able to pick myself up and I just pray that I will continue to be able to do that. Thanks for reading and God bless.

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