Personal Experience: My Experience In A Nursing Home

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Being a certified nursing assistant, CNA, I have a lot of responsibilities. Before I became a CNA I had experience in a nursing home because my mom worked there. When I was younger, I helped bring residents to, and from activities, and also to, and from meals. That is where my journey started, and now I am a certified nursing assistant. I have to be there for my resident emotionally, and physically. I help them physically by doing their personal cares, for them, and emotionally by listening to them when they are excited, or feeling down, and I love doing it all. There are many different things I do that are part of their personal care. It can be just helping them get to the toilet, or getting them there, and wiping them after. Everyone is different in the way they want things done, and some will tell me exactly what they want to do, and others will not. I have this one lady that when I help her walk to the toilet, she tells me that she gets off balance …show more content…

There are some that will call us a lot, and we have to answer every time because they need to know that someone will be there, for them when they actually needed something. Another reason might be because they just want to talk to someone. I talk to many of the residents, and they tell me anything they want to, and I do not make them tell me anything they do not want to tell me. They love to tell me about their family, and if they have pictures they show me them, and how much they love them. Sometimes they tell me how much they miss them, and all I can do is sit there, and listen; I just let them vent to me. They might be just having a bad day, and not feel well, so I think about what there might be that I can do to make them feel better. When I am feeling down I do want someone to talk to so in other words I put myself into their shoes; it is the best thing I can do to understand where they are coming

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