My Personal Experience: My First Year Of College

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The first semester of college is hard. My half sister, an occupational therapist in training, likes to point out that given the mental development of most eighteen year olds, going to college is one of the most intense transitions of someone’s life. Throughout all of high school I knew I wanted to leave the west coast and move as far as possible. Fortunately I love the east coast even when my cravings for savory Mexican food and dry heat still leave me with pangs of homesickness. In addition to being immersed in a new culture and weather, I was starting over and had to hold my own for the first time. I had to make new friends, create my own schedule, and take care of myself. My first semester had all of these challenges and more. I fell for modern love and got dumped, realized I did not want to pursue my ‘dream major,’ and my grandpa died; all testing my newly reconstructed mentally healthy state of mind. In hindsight I am proud of myself for getting by and even consider my time here the best months of my life …show more content…

Because kissing someone before you learn their name is considered an accomplishment in college. I had my own ‘Jeremy,’ the guy you never really dated but never really got over. We met the first week of school and he seemed too good to be true and he was: he was part of a fraternity. He was too strongly influenced by his ‘brothers’ and knew it. We tried to work through it but the end he thought a relationship required too much work and emotions for a situation that ends in pain, so he saved our feelings by breaking it off early. But he really only saved

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