Reflective Essay About English

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And here I was in front of twenty five set of eyes staring at me, judging my clothes , my hair, my facial expressions and of course my ability to demonstrate I’m capable of doing what I’m here to show them. How did I get here? I asked myself I never thought I would be so brave to do this, I never trusted myself or never imagined I would be in this place.
As a typical rebellious teenager, never took into consideration the importance of taking advantage of everything my parents could offer at the time nor did I care , I just wanted to do the minimum required so I didn’t have to hear my father nagging or maybe to satisfy them both, mom and dad. How little did I know when most of my high school friends were taking languages classes after …show more content…

One of my first experiences with a foreign language that always stays in my mind is one of my professors, he was so polite and he spoke in such a nice way, looking so sharp and so polite almost like a news narrator from CNN, everyone loved to imitate his accent and his manners. Even such an intense course didn’t seem long to me. Spending most of my days in a classroom of five students where English was injected like a screw in your brain, I ended up getting a great foundation there. But how silly I thought I was ready to take on and go have a informal conversation with a native speaker, once in American territory I feel I went back to square one. I so much remember this guy asking me: How you doing? My first response was uhm? Nothing. I will never forget he look at me like uhm I wasn’t sure if he was imitating my previous face or was just as confused as I was. Well I realize being in the real America was so much different than being a student in a classroom. Therefore I started taking more classes, by this time this was the third language academy I was stepping into. That was also a great experience, I was very lucky to also have a great teacher, students sitting in a round table sharing ideas and learning concepts together , but my favorite part was our extracurricular activities where I felt like a real adult. All those trips to Bahama Breeze, around the corner, where a Jamaican guy would sing relaxing melodies, the aromatic spices from the food flew by the front of my nose, and I was able to have conversations in English with people from Brazil, France, Japan and other countries, it made my learning so much

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