Importance Of Interview With Interview

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Qian Qian Chen is my classmate for English 1010 at Brooklyn College. Before I got the chance to interview her for this assignment, I assumed that Qian Qian was the typical quite kid in class and I wasn’t completely wrong. Before I interviewed her I assumed that our lives would be similar in many ways, but it turned out it was different in both personality wise and the way we grew up. The first time I met with Qian Qian to conduct interview was on the campus, but it seemed as if she didn’t want to talk face to face. In fact, the first time we were supposed to conduct our interview she ended up canceling it. The second time we met each other to conduct the interview it seemed if she didn’t really want to do the interview and just wanted to finish it up as quickly as she could. For instance, most of the questions I asked her, she ended up replying in a one word response and didn’t want to go explain or go in-depth. So we ended up deciding to follow-up via email instead of the face to face on the campus. The majority of the interview took place via email, where she seemed to be more talkative. I didn’t receive one word responses for the questions I asked, and she seemed to be more open. Qian Qian Chen and I are similar in a few …show more content…

When I asked her how she thinks people see her as her response was, “They probably see me the same way as I see myself” which seemed to be true. Before I met Qian Qian for the interview I thought the same thing, I saw her as the typical quiet shy kid in class. When we tried to conduct the interview face to face it seemed as if she didn’t want to talk and seemed shy, which is why the majority of our interview ended up taking place via email. She didn’t seem to lie about the way she saw herself, such as, she wasn’t one of those kids who thought they were the funny or loud kid when in reality they

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