What Is My Future Plan Essay

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Throughout high school, it was difficult and stressful to decide my future career. Thinking about the future sounded like a “need to do” planning from teachers and family members. So I tried to start on planning my sophomore year, but doing the planning didn’t make any sense to me. Over the years in high school I started to wonder, “why was it so important to plan the future?” Is it because making plans will help us organize our life that is yet to come? I always thought that life can’t be predictable no matter how hard we try to change it. Through the stress I have decided my career path as an Animator. Sophomore year in high school, the thought of graduating high school and the life I will live after graduating occurred to me. Teachers spoke The middle of junior year meant it was closer to senior year and that means time is running out for me to make a decision on a college and occupation. I was set on doing some sort of art major because drawing was one of my favorite hobbies, but my parents said no and to keep it as a hobby because being an artist won’t make money. So then I was back to the beginning contemplating on what is to come with my future. Later, I started to look at colleges and realized that I didn’t know what to look for. I knew that tuition was kind of a big deal so I looked, but it didn’t make any sense to me on how money and cost of housing and credit hours worked. Soon I became depressed because of all the stress with finding an occupation and college was too much. My grades started to drop because I couldn’t concentrate or I didn’t feel like doing anything. I talked to my counselor about stressing out on making a life after graduating high school and how doing that gave me depression. She was listening to my every word and gave me great advice to not worry about the future and don’t try to plan everything because it’s hard to obtain something we can’t hold. I listened and tried not to think too much on finding my life. Soon the year ended as fast as the next year

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