Persuasive Essay On Police Brutality

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The phrase justice for all seems like it doesn’t pertain to everyone. I have seen so many cases of police brutality where they have actually killed someone for no reason and got off with the crime. In my opinion murder is murder and regardless of the position you have, if you do the crime you should have to do the time. Just because you wear a badge, doesn’t mean that you have the right to kill someone. I feel as if its time for the government to start enforcing more laws for police officers and it time for officers to have to have more harsh consequences for their actions. The number of people that police officers have killed is ludicrous. According to Shaun King wrote the article “No conviction for cops charged with murder in 2015” he stated …show more content…

A police Officers job is to serve and to protect but that’s hard to believe when there is a new story almost everyday about someone being killed by an officer. One of the consequences could simply be that they receive more jail time. I feel as if giving an officer up to only one year in jail, gives other officers the impression that this senseless act of violence or killing, is ok. Receiving more jail time is not just seen as another form of justice that any other criminal receives, but its also a form of justice for the victim and even the victims family. A black man can go to jail for over 10 years for possession of marijuana while a police officer who was the killer of another back man is walking the streets free. Many families, like the family of Trayvon Martin, Mike Brown and many others are still faced with the fact with the person who killed their child is free. So when an officer has to face the consequences, its not just about punishment for then, but its also about some relief and justice for the family. So this is why the movement Black Lives Matter was …show more content…

It is sad to know that our system and people that work for the system, have no fear in taking anyone else’s life. In an article titled “Police Violence Seems to Result in No Punishment” by Ginia Bellafante, the author shows diiferent argumens of why police officers don’t have any type of punishment. She states “Jeffery A Fagan, a Columbia University law professor who specializes in policing, put to me, ‘then you believe that people will refrain from wrongdoing if they believe that punishment is real. But the legal system is incapable of creating the same kind of deterrent effects for police officers’.”(3). I believe this is true because I feel that police officers don’t even abide by the same law that they enforce upon

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