Rhetorical Devices In Shawshank Redemption

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With reference to the films you have studied for this topic, explore in detail two of the key elements that produce an emotional response in the spectator. In the film “The Shawshank Redemption” there are many aspects used throughout the film to manipulate the audience’s feelings and reactions to the scenes presented to them. For example, at the very start of the film we already feel on edge and we as the audience are not knowing what to expect. Andy is first sat in his car in almost complete darkness with low key lighting used already to shape our opinion on Andy. The use of the low key under-lighting and only showing the audience little parts of Andy’s face allows the audience to start to create a dark image of Andy and become suspicious …show more content…

Would all this be true if I didn 't care for you?” This song depicts Andy’s emotions about what has happened before the scene and we see that …show more content…

For example, in the few minutes of the previous scene before Andy begins to escape we have a narration from Red telling the audience that he believes that Andy is going to kill himself from his recent behaviour when he left solitary after two months of being with his own thoughts. Red says “I’ve had some long nights… alone in the dark with nothing but your thoughts, time can draw out like a blade. That was the longest night of my life.” because of these specific wording of Red’s narration we as the audience automatically expect the worst. This narration and the character of Red is one of the most significant and influential elements of the film to manipulate the audiences emotions towards the one particular scene. The scene following Red’s narration is of the aftermath of Andy Dufresne’s disappearance from the Shawshank prison, we see the Warden unbox what he expects to be his black dress shoes, that he made Andy polish the previous night, yet opens the box to find a set of brown prisoner shoes. The audience then begin to see a flashback of what happened the previous night, and we see Andy switching the corrupt account books as well as dress himself in the Warden’s dry cleaned suit. This scene that follows Red’s night in his cell worrying about Andy is one of the best for

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