Social Conflict In The Movie: Easy A

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The movie Easy A is certainly iconic in many different ways. First, the hit film gave one of the most well known movie stars, Emma Stone, her stardom. Second, although the movie is very controversial due to the sexual context, it has some valuable life lessons. I will be discussing three major conflicts that occur in the movie that include the spread of rumors, the consequences of lying and how exonerating the truth isn’t always easy.

The first conflict begins when Olive (Emma Stone) and her friend Rhiannon are in the bathroom and Olive lies about losing her virginity. Rhiannon is the (1) support leader because she is very supportive of Olive and is extremely happy for her. Marianne, an extremely exuberant Christian, overhears Olive and spreads …show more content…

Brandon is secretly gay and to avoid being bullied he asks Olive to make it known they slept together. Olive agrees because of the (6) situational context which is the rumor that started about Olive losing her virginity. Brandon becomes the (7) withdrawer because after he got what he wanted he doesn’t talk to Olive that much. However, Brandon begins to tell his friends how Olive helped him and they begin to ask her for help. Olive becomes a (8) political decision maker because she agrees to help the boys because she wants to gain popularity and attention from her classmates. Olive takes two roles in this conflict, first (9) the directive leader because she sets the structure for the boys that she helps by setting the rules and plans for each circumstance. Second, Olive becomes a (10) doormat because she is doing these favors for people so they will like her and for her popularity to increase. that started about Olive, she takes on three roles during this …show more content…

The film thoroughly discussed (for the most part) what high school is truly like especially when it comes to rumors being spread. The movie showed what rumors can do to a person and gave a strong message that you should always tell the truth. Also, the thought are lies that help others considered good or bad? As we learned from this movie, the truth always comes out. With that being said, a lie may better your reputation or increase your popularity but have you ever thought that that specific lie may hurt someone else? Easy A discussed three major conflicts that include the spread of rumors, the consequences of lying and how exonerating the truth isn’t always

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