Organized Crime And Terrorism Essay

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In the olden days of the United States, the Mafias were the only thing to fear. But in the past few years, a new threat has rapidly evolved. This threat is terrorism. In order to understand the movement from organized crime to terrorism, it is necessary to investigate three key perspectives: How these terms are defined, how it was progressed through the years, and how it is controlled today.
The first way to peer into the movement, is defining what organized crime and terrorism actually are. Organized Crime is consisted of three or more people in a structured group. These people must act with the intent to commit one or more serious offences in order to obtain a financial or materialistic gain. Unlike organized crime, terrorism has no body count. It could very well be one person, or an endless collective amount of people. Terrorism, like organized crime, has a calculated agenda. However, terrorism has no monetary goal. The goal is to simply insinuate fear, with the backbone of political, religious, or ideological motivations. The term “Terrorism” was derived from Maximilien Robespierre in 1793. After Robespierre had called the French Revolution a “Reign of Terror,” the term had progressed into …show more content…

Terrorism has successfully been able to flourish due to the three main types of terrorism (Revolutionary, Religious and Separatist/Anti-colonist). By means of a bigger purpose, these various reasons for terrorism have created a bigger sense of fear for the public. Knowing what is happing, how it can be explained is a good way of assessing the issue of terrorism. It forms a coping organism for the government in regarding to creating prevention legislation. But unlike organized crime, terrorism has been proven to be difficult to control due to the foreign powers controlling it. It is a serious issue in America, and the World that America is a part

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