The Most Undervalued Leadership Traits of Women, by Glen Llopis

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In a Forbes article written by Glen Llopis, The Most Undervalued Leadership Traits of Women, Llopis, highlights his theories and opinions on each undervalued trait. Llopis provides specific details that make women effective leaders. The author predicates his assessment on women and leadership from his personal and professional experiences. Within the article, Llopis identifies six leadership traits that women naturally possess, which are undervalued:

• Opportunity-driven: they see the glass half-full. They push the boundaries and learn from adverse situations

• Strategic: stretching perspective to broaden their observations

• Passionate: not satisfied with status quo, they will want to make things better

• Entrepreneurial: resourceful, identifying opportunity and developing relationships

• Purposeful and Meaningful: have high standards and attention to detail, which increases the focus of others

• Traditions and Family: Is the glue that keeps things together

In addition, Llopis leads the readers to another article in the Business Insider on Why Women Are More Effective Leaders Than Men, to further illustrate the author’s theories.

Relationship to Leadership

What makes a good leader? This article provides insightful analysis to the readers on how one should view and perceive leadership. Furthermore, I think, this article encourages each one of us to examine our own leadership traits and ask the following questions, “Are these traits and behaviors that I exhibit?” Why do not I exhibit these traits? Why are there not more women in leadership roles, if they exhibit these traits? How do we currently choose leaders? In addition, I feel, the article relates to leadership because it illustrates that it is imp...

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...ship are role models and mentors, which exemplify the possibilities of women in developing countries, communities and future generations. I hope that this article causes discussion and action as a global community that true leadership is found in everyone from at home to at work; and should not be dismissed by your gender or physical qualities. In my opinion, sustainability is found through leadership traits exemplified by Glen Llopis: opportunity driven, strategic, passionate, entrepreneurial, purpose and meaningful, as well as traditions and family. I know that when I look for a leader, I am searching for one who embodies those tr

Works Cited

Llopis, G. (2014, February). The Most Undervalued Leadership Traits of Women. Forbes Magazine. Retrieved from

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