Essay On Bud's Wife

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How would you feel if you were the most famous celebrity of the world? You probably reply that you would enjoy of being the one which is at the top of everyone. However, the reality is that you might not be as happy as you expected. Everything actually has two sides like medicines will relieve your pain but they also have side effects. When you have the most of everything, you might also lose more than others. For instance, you often see that the person that wins a lottery ticket usually wears a mask or have concealed his face by mosaic during any interview. You might wonder that why this person hides his identity instead of just letting others to know who the luckiest person of the world is. The only reason that explains this phenomenon is …show more content…

The main character Bud’s daughter have grown up without a happy childhood. Her mother leaves her and Bud because she dislikes that Bud can not even take care of the family. After Bud become s famous, he begins to put even lesser attention to his daughter. Their conversations always ends with arguments. So, his daughter decides to look for her mother. When Bud arrives home one day, he realizes that he is alone and misses his daughter. He begins to regret that he does not spend enough time with his family; therefore everyone leaves him. Like what Bud have done with her daughter, the celebrities are lacking of time to form their family bonds like what Loftus expresses in her essay. In her essay, Loftus comments, “The insecurity in the house hold, the tension, the career and mood ups and clowns, the errant, hectic schedules, and the long absences all coalesce to shift a great deal of the emotional burden to the kids” (533). In the phrase “mood ups and clowns”, “ups”and”clowns” refer to money, fame, and joy. “mood ups and clowns” basically denotes a emotional confusion and stress. It symbolizes that the celebrities’ fame are like a burden to themselves. It brings them stress and depression. Then, the word “errant” literally means a uncontrolled motion that is unpredictable or irregular. It also refers to the celebrities that they usually wonder in setting up schedules. So, they have lesser time to …show more content…

On the other hand, the celebrities is usually not able to spend much time with their families due to busy schedules. Having fame and wealth can not always make you to be happy. In the movie, Bud finally decides to forget about being famous and begins to listen to his daughter’s ideas for helping the society. However, does this method solve the celebrities’ problems nowadays? To quit their jobs and turn back to normality do not seemed as easy as Bud does in the movie. At present, the social media grows and makes the audience to watch the celebrities easily. People get more ways to seek their personal lives such as using Facebook and Twitter. This is also the nature of human beings as the fans are interested in the celebrities; therefore they want to know more about them. Also, being famous means that the celebrities must to be more responsible of their jobs; otherwise they will be judged by the public. So, it is difficult for the celebrities to just put off their current works and stay with their families. Thus, things always have two sides. For the celebrities, we only pay attention to how popular they are and how much wealth they have. We assume that they are happy in our expectation because they have almost everything. However, their happiness only are true when they put down their

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