More Than A Homemaker

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Throughout history and today, we women are constant victims of stereotyping. Certain “rules” have to be followed and certain “ideal” women images have to be kept. They are raised to fill certain position in the society and because of this, the opportunities are always limited and ideas of our importance in the society are diminishing. Even though women gained some independence, where women can work and take various position in society, the society’s idea of typical role of women never seem to change.

I still remember how my grandmother and my mother’s life were like. Although the women rights in the society are getting better from previous generation to the next generation, we are still expected to play women’s role. I, too, am in the same position as my grandmother and my mother.

My grandmother lived her whole life as a hard working housewife. Back in her days, the opportunities for women were always limited and the only thing that women could do was to become housewives. People were very conservative to the idea of the traditional role of a man and a woman. Men are always the provider and women are always the caregiver. Men held more power because of the fact that they earned money. It is hard for people to lose the conservative idea because the idea was around since the beginning of the era. So, rightful place for woman was not a workplace, but at home.

Women were also not allowed to receive any higher education, so my grandmother was only allowed to be educated through elementary school and after that, she was educated by her mother how to be a housewife during her childhood and teenage years to prepare her for marriage. People believed women being trained at such a young age were right thing to do because the better hou...

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... want to be a housewife at young age and, of course, I do not want to waste my life. I want to pursue my dreams and fulfill it. I want to find professional job and settle down when I feel like when it is the right time. Because there are a lot of better opportunities in my generation than previous generations, I want to stand high in the society even if I am a woman. I made up my mind to continue to receive higher education.

The society defines women as nurturer and caregiver. My grandmother and my mother were seen as one and I am seen as one too. Men have treated women as inferior because of the idea around the society that women cannot be equal to women. Additionally, we are seen as weak, sensitive, and unintelligent. Because of this, we are looked less important in the society and most believe that we are not capable of holding high power than men does.

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