Morality of Animal Experimentation

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Today’s society is based on anthropocentrism, a world view that human being have priority. Members of other species are used daily today for many things. Animal flesh, eggs and milk are used as a means of consumption. Some are used as pets for companionship, for hunting and plowing on farms, and can even be used as entertainment at shows and circuses. Police, and residents also use dogs for protection from others and the skin and wool of animals are used for unnecessary items such as clothing, wallets, purses and shoes. Although using animals for some of these things seems irrational to some, animals are also being used for something much more horrifying, animal experimentation. Knowing animal experimentation causes suffering, and we can and should experiment without using members of other species because what works on animals doesn’t work on humans, does it still make experimenting on members of other species morally justifiable?
Each year, more than 100 million animals are killed in the U.S. for animal experimentation. Although this number sounds horrifying, the tests they must endure that lead to their death are even more atrocious. Tests are done on many animals, including mice, rats, rabbits, hamsters, guinea pigs, frogs, dogs, cats, monkeys, and fish. A common test is the Draize Eye Irritancy Test which is primarily performed on rabbits. In this test, the rabbit’s heads are placed in a device to keep them stabilized, then a substance such as bleach shampoo, nail polish or chemical cleaners is placed in one eye. The author also adds, the rabbits sometimes “snap their neck in their frantic attempts to escape.” The animal is then kept in confinement and studied to measure eye irritation and the effect the chemical had on their...

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... species and we should not be performing experiments on them either. 100 million animals are killed in the U.S. alone for animal experimentation. When will the human race put an end to this horrifying matter? When will the human race realize, animals suffer just as we do. Experimenting on animals is immoral and there is no question about it. They feel pain, just like we do. They hurt, just like we do. They deserve moral consideration, just like we do.

Works Cited

Stone, Oliver. "Animals Used for Experimentation: Oliver Stone Exposes Horrific Military Training Video." PETA. People for Ethical Treatment of Animals, n.d. Web. 23 Mar. 2014

Boss, Judith A. "Animal Experimentation." Analyzing Moral Issues. 6th ed. Mountain View, CA: Mayfield Pub., 1999. 619-24. Print

"Animal Experiments: Overview." PETA. People for Ethical Treatment of Anim, n.d. Web. 28 Mar. 2014.

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