Mental Health Care Essay

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Diagnosis of mental health in America is determined mainly by using criteria in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM). There are various reasons clients are given diagnoses. One reason is that “insurance companies allot specific numbers of sessions for each diagnostic category, often in defiance of a therapist’s judgement” (McWilliams, 2011, p. 7). Because insurance companies only cover treatment they deem necessary and determine the amount of sessions based off diagnoses, professionals have to incorporate diagnoses into treatment. While diagnoses are used to inform treatment, create treatment plans, and assist individuals in their mental health, an unfortunate reality is that sometimes diagnoses can be harmful. In …show more content…

One major reason diagnosis can be helpful is that it gives various clinicians and professionals common language. It can be difficult when individuals transfer to or see various providers. Having common language can assist all professionals involved in working with a client by having an understanding of what the individual is experiencing. Common language also makes it helpful when clients transfer geographic locations or chose to see a new professional. Diagnoses are also useful in treatment planning. It gives a way of thinking about patterns of symptoms, and provides diagnostic reliability. McWilliams lists five advantages of diagnosis: “(1) its usefulness for treatment planning, (2) its implications for prognosis, (3) its contribution to protecting consumers of mental health services, (4) its value in enabling the therapist to convey empathy, (5) its role in reducing the probability that certain easily frightened people will feel from treatment” (2011, p. …show more content…

As defined by the World Health Organization website. The ICD is “the standard diagnostic tool for epidemiology, health management and clinical purposes. This includes the analysis of the general health situation of population groups. It is used to monitor the incidence and prevalence of diseases and other health problems, proving a picture of the general health situation of countries and populations” (2016). Each diagnosis in the ICD has a set of numbers and a code attached to it. The ICD tries to be compatible with the DSM but it too has a number of

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