The Montgomery Bus Boycott Part 1

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An man from India deeply influenced a black man in America who persuaded black Americans to peacefully seek civil rights. Blacks in America were once slaves. They had neither freedom nor rights. Now, in the 20th century, segregation has been abolished and discrimination has largely been reduced and blacks are more able to live freely as American citizens. In Early 1950’s, blacks did not have civil rights, so they had to fight for their freedom. In 1955, blacks decided to rally together for social justice and planned a boycott. This boycott became known as the Montgomery Bus Boycott. This boycott was pivotal in the Civil Right Movement by energizing blacks, particularly in the South, to become more involved in politics. This occurred with the help of Claudette Colvin, Rosa Parks, President Nixon, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) and especially with the influence of Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., inspired by Mahatma Gandhi. From King’s studies of nonviolence, he guided blacks peacefully through the boycott and taught the boycotters that violence is not the way.
King and Gandhi
There were several factors that caused the Montgomery Bus Boycott. In the 1950’s, black people were protesting for their civil rights, because of the “Plessy vs. Ferguson” case in 1896. In this case, the term “separate but equal” was put into effect. This meant segregation between blacks and whites could happen legally. Due to “Plessy vs. Ferguson” case, the “Jim Crow” laws were firmly cemented by the highest court. These laws called for racial segregation and discrimination throughout the United States, during the late 1800’s through to the 1960’s. These laws were applied to the use of everything such as, bathrooms, wate...

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.../montbus.html. Staff. “Montgomery Bus Boycott.” 2010. Accessed April 24, 2014.
Martin Luther King Jr., The Papers of Martin Luther King, Jr., Vol. 3: Birth of a New Age, December 1955-December 1956 (n.p.: University of California Press, 1997).
Meier, August, and Elliot Rudwick. Black Protest in the Sixties. New York City: New York Times Company, 1970.
Sanford Wexler and Julian Bond, The Civil Rights Movement: An Eyewitness History (New York: Facts On File, 1993).
Theoharis, Jeanne, and Theoharis, Athan. These yet to Be United States: Civil Rights and Civil Liberties in America Since 1945. Stamford, Connecticut: Wadsworth, Thomson Learning Inc., 2003.
Wolfgang Mieder, “Making a Way Out of No Way”: Martin Luther King's Sermonic Proverbial Rhetoric (New York: Peter Lang, 2010).

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