The Mongol Mongols: Invasion Of The Mongol Empire

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13th century marked the appearance of the mighty Mongol empire, which was expanding its territories through conquering China and Korea with an unstopable force. After the invasion that turned Korea into a Mongol vassal state, the Mongol’s empire decided to turn their focus on the new target, Japan – which still had no idea about the existence of the powerful empire that was spreading its domination throughout Asia. However, even with tremendous efforts and superior military power, this is still the first time the Mongols had a taste of defeat, and ultimately, the invasion became the most memorable failure in the Mongol’s history. The first invasion of the Mongol’s troop began with a letter from Kublai Khan- the Mongol’s emperor to the Japan’s …show more content…

In 1272, by starting to build vessels and forming a new army force, Kublain Khan showed his determination in conquering Japan. The Mongol’s army set sail to Japan in 1274, with an incredibly powerful force: hundreds of ships, and even larger numbers of small boat; an army consist of 15000 Mongols and Chinese soldiers, 8000 Korean soldiers, led by Mongol’s commanders. In the meantime, the Japan could only put together an army of samurais from different clans, with the total number of 10000. Statistically, the Japan’s army was outnumbered hard, and their combat was not even superior compare to the Mongol’s troop. The fighting style of samurai warriors mostly depended on one-on-one situation, when one of them would step out of their troop, announced their name and lineage, and asked for a direct combat with their opponent commander. On the other hand, the Mongols attacked their opponents with their whole army, because their fighting style was unit-focused, not one-on-one. To make the matter even worse for the Japanese, the weapons of the Mongols army was far more exceptional than their opponents. Short bows provided twice the accuracy compare to the

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