The Importance Of Working Mothers

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For hundreds of years, mothers have been given the job status of being the homemaker and providing care for their children. Many definitions of a mother specifically include the words, “caring for a child”. While this statement remains true, many would argue that the definition of motherhood should be changed. Now, in the 21st century, mothers can be found in all parts of life, whether at home or at work. The status of a mother has created so much controversy between stay at home moms and working moms. In fact, the tensions have gone so far as to be entitled the “Mommy Wars”. Working moms, specifically, have had to deal with judgement and hardship because of their decision to work. The term “Mommy Wars” has been around for years, …show more content…

Working moms and stay at home moms will frequently make judgmental and harsh statements and will not associate with each other. Masters calls these two groups “alienated groups”(Masters). While most moms in the United States hold some sort of part time job, stay at home moms tend to have the loudest voice in society. These women particularly get called out on being quick to judge the choices of working moms. Although many people have accepted the idea of equality for women and their rights, they still put pressure and guilt on these mothers who are found in the workfield (). For example, in a MOM vs MOM Survey Report in 2000 it said, “65% of stay at home moms claim that working moms do not understand that raising a child is more important than maintaining a lifestyle” (). This same group of moms who were surveyed also called working moms “selfish and materialistic” and that they feel they put their own welfare before the well-being of their children. Stay at home mother Sherri Stamper of New Whiteland, Indiana said the following statement: “All of the working moms I know freely admit that they do it for material things. They know they 're doing a disservice to their children, but they can 't stand to scale back their lifestyle". Another stay at home mom, Renee Portolese of Maysville, North Carolina, has no plans to return to the workforce if she has more babies. "Now that I 'm home …show more content…

It is safe to say that children are affected by the status of their mother. In a 2013 survey it was found that while the public recognizes the clear economic benefits of having more mothers in the workplace, many are voicing concerns about the toll this is having on children. “Roughly two-thirds of adults (67%) say the increasing number of women working for pay outside the home has made it easier for families to earn enough to live comfortably. But at the same time, 74% say this trend has made it harder for parents to raise children”(Cohn). While many think working mothers affect children in a negative way, Maggie Fox of NBC News shows in a survey that this has changed. In her article it says, “Asked what the ideal situation is for young children, the share of Americans who say having a mother who does not work outside the home is ideal has declined since a 2009 Pew Research Center survey, when 43% said so, to 2012, when 33% did. A plurality (42%) in 2012 said having a mother who works part time is ideal for young children, while 16% said a full-time working mother is

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