Elecle Technology: The Future Of Renewable Energy Technology

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Throughout history mankind has had to adapt to the changing lifestyles of a society. Back in ancient Rome, Archimedes invented the nail which made the process of constructing buildings much faster. In 1876, Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone, and this invention quickly remodeled the current standard of communication. Shortly after in 1879, Thomas Edison invented the light bulb; without the light bulb business in the modern world would not be able to operate for most hours of the day. And of course, what may be considered the greatest modern invention is the internet; its abilities are far in reach and have completely elevated the way business can be done. All of these inventions were created to fill a need; either for faster building or faster communication. Now comes a time when society is in need of climate control and renewable energy systems to help preserve the Earth. Researchers have made progress on some renewable energy systems that …show more content…

The largest contributor of that 12.9% was biomass at 10.2% and more than half of that came from the use of traditional biomass cooking in underdeveloped countries. Hydropower represented 2.3% while the other renewable energy technologies only accounted for .4%. These numbers are small, but they keep growing as society is able to infiltrate them into current infrastructure. Luckily the need for global energy will not surpass the growth in global technical potential of renewable energies. It is within the capabilities of society to provide these new renewable energy systems to replace the old energy sources once the funding becomes available. Implementing these systems will take various government policies, more affordable technologies, increases in fossil fuel prices, and an increase in energy demand. Over time hopefully all these factors will align to help in the execution of renewable energy

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