Advantages Of Mixed Method Methodology

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Mixed method methodology (MMM) has become an increasingly accepted approach of conducting social research (Bryman, 2012) in the last decade. This is as a result of today’s world becoming increasingly interdisciplinary, dynamic and complex, therefore a methods that will enhance the research world to provide a superior research for interdisciplinary world such as MMM should be appreciated (Johnson & Onwuegbuzie, 2004). Though MMM has been applauded as research methodology offering great promise for practicing researchers and trying to bridge the opposing debate between quantitative and qualitative divide. Even with all its positivity’s MMM is not without challenges. Different challenges and issues facing MMM have been identified by research scholars. Those challenges include its philosophical inconsistencies, …show more content…

There are several definitions of Mixed method research, a study by Johnson et al. (2007) found that mixed methods research has been defined in 19 different ways. Prominent among those definition includes that of Creswell and Clark (2007) defines Mixed method research as research in which data collection and analysis are to integrate the findings and draw influences using both qualitative and quantitative approaches or methods in a single study or inquiry. The emphasis on the definition is “integrate “, ascertaining that, many scholars believe that mixing or integration happens at different stages of the research process. Similarly, Tashakkori and Teddlie (2010), defines mixed methods research as a type of research design in which QUAL and QUAN ( qualitative and quantitative) approaches are used in research questions, methods, data collection and analysis procedures, or in inferences. Different Challenges facing MMM which will be discussed in the next

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