Case Study: The Mistreatment Of Prisons

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The Mistreatment of Prisoners What comes to mind when thinking of prison? Confinement? Violence? It is no secret that prisons are known for being unpleasant places. The main purpose for having prisons is to detain those that cause harm to our daily lives. In society 's eyes, people that don 't follow orders and cause trouble within communities are considered a danger. Generally, most tend to not care about the well being of wrongdoers. The bad guys get put away, so the public can move on with their lives in peace. Peace, it is what everyone wants. But if prisons are designed to detain people as punishment for breaking the law, then what about the prisoners? Do they deserve to have peace in prison? What is considered prisoner mistreatment?
The riots that the prisoners from both The Reeves and Attica case started captured a lot of peoples attentions, but they did not provoke any changes to be made in the prisons. Because the riot was an act of violence rather than a non violent protest, many officials didn 't want to change or essentially reward the prisoners for their harmful deeds (Casella & Ridgeway, 2013). But over time prisons have become more accommodating to the needs of the prisoners. The current medical care for prisoners says that treatment should be adequate. Health care should be given to make the prisoner comfortable, but not to prolong their life or cure their illnesses.
What is does is create more problems within the brain, such as difficulty with memory, the process of thinking, and the mood of the victim (O 'Mara). When the mental health of a person is effected. The problem doesn 't only stay with the person. It spreads and effects those around them too. When inhumane methods or unhealthy conditions are brought upon prisoners, it negatively effects the prisoners well being, along with the prison employees well being, and it spreads further into the homes of Americans, creating a giant stereotypical image of what prison is supposed to be. The reaction of mistreatment in prisons isn 't effecting crime rates (Levitt). Nor is it helping the inmates grasp how a model American should act when they get out. The prison system should stop abusing its prisoners, because it is only hindering their process of

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