Negative Effects Of Minimum Wage Laws

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The minimum wage is the lowest amount of required money that is paid per hourly or daily basis for the employees that are regulated by the government. Minimum wage laws started in New Zealand and Australia with an established purpose to provide a minimum standard of living for workers. In the United States, the first federally mandated minimum wage had provided workers 25 cents per hour as part of President Franklin D. Roosevelt 's Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938. In addition, the Fair Labor Standards Act has been regulating employers for the protection of American workers (“Federal Minimum Wage”). Minimum wage laws are legal regulations implemented to protect workers from exploitations that raise the issues about the pros and the cons of …show more content…

Small businesses operate with little capital and net profit margin. Opponents argue the increase of the minimum wage affect the small business owners the most because they have a hard time paying employees. The oppositions believe increasing the minimum wage creates a market distortion (“Federal Minimum Wage”). It means the government intervention in raising the minimum wage causes a higher price floor that defines as the minimum price for the employees’ service. Because of a higher price floor, it reduces the employment opportunities and business profit. For instance, according to Mark Wilson’s “The Negative Effects of Minimum Wage Laws”, he writes about a study conducted by Barry Hirsch and his co-authors about the methods of how employers adjust to a newly imposed minimum wage. In their study, employers cushion the impact of the minimum wage increase by “requiring better attendance, insisting that job duties are completed faster, imposing additional task on workers, minimizing hours worked with better scheduling, and terminating poor performers quickly.” In addition, businesses try to push the rising cost to consumers, which result in increased competition from imported goods. This makes them less competitive. The negative side of increasing the minimum wage affects employers, employees, and customers since study suggest every dollar bump to minimum wage workers come from the business owners’ or clients’ pockets; in addition, employers impose more job responsibilities to

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