Miller Tool Company

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Executive Summary

The current circumstances have made us re-think about the governance of our company. To resolve certain issues like spread of our businesses, incompetent management, improper structure and high attrition rate has been addressed here. The strategic options evaluated are Divesting from some of the businesses, Re structuring the management by giving generalised top management or using specialized management. The options are evaluated on the basis of cash position, future projection, Repute preservation and efficient functioning of management. On the basis of these, I recommend to divest from irrelevant and non-performing businesses. This will ensure company’s smooth running and sustained profitability.

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Situation Analysis

The present situation of the company shows that ideas, Late Mr. McFettridge had, are not implemented properly. Miller Tool Company may have become a favourite investment spot for Financial Institutes, but the reality is quite different. The company needs to sort out a number of matters in the coming future.

The company has diversified so much that it has lost its core competency. Also, the acquired businesses are irrelevant in nature. The tool business needs a ‘Business to Business’ type of marketing. However, some of the firms are ‘Business to Consumer’ (e.g. Bakery Business, Dry cleaning store chain) and ‘Business to Government’ (e.g. Firm engaged in Defence research work) as well. So, lack of integration of the business is one of the key issues we need to address.

The company has a clear lack of vision. This is because since the loss of Mr. McFettridge, the vision and plans he had are not known to anyone. This exposes the lack of structured top management. Also, the top management is having a lot of young employees which are accustomed to doing a clerical job. Their decision making skills are not developed due to improper mentoring. The work processes are more individual driven then system driven.

We are facing a human resource crunch on our two fronts: The Engineers and designers i.e. the executive level staff as well as the Leaders who can efficiently manage the business. Improper use of good talent has led to high rate of attrition.

The management in the company is not structured. The cash position and contribution of various businesses into profit is also worrisome. We are in serious need of cash for the technological advancement in our tool business. The only way we can compete in the market is on the basis of technology. The inefficient production techniques lead to much higher cost of production.

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