Deterioration of the Middle Class: A Call for Reform

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Throughout history, there has always been an upper, middle and lower class. What makes people behave and react to situations that occur throughout their life is what makes them who they are and the way the entire world is now. As the social classes in the United States of America become more and more separated into an upper class or lower class, the middle class is slowly depleting. Whether a person strives for greatness or simply bows down and decides his or her fate as a lazy person, the lives of every human being that has ever lived on Earth is what has made this world the way it is today. As more and more of the lower class depend on the government to survive and greater tax breaks given to the upper class the middle class is deteriorating. With the upper class making more than everyone and giving a small fraction back to the lower class that can barely survive on their welfare checks and with more people going on to welfare because they cannot support themselves, the middle class is vanishing to thin air. So it is within the hands of the president to reform the middle class back to the backbone of the economy as President Obama said in his state of the union address. …show more content…

“In Hawaii, Massachusetts, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Rhode Island, Vermont, and Washington, D.C., welfare pays more than a $20-an-hour job, and in five additional states it yields more than a $15-per-hour job” (Tanner). Some jobs like police officers or elementary schools starting salary is less than a 15 dollar an hour job so when the two are compared, it does not make sense for people to want to risk thier life or struggle to teach kids that plan to live like their parents off the welfare system and do not see any necessity in learning, when the government will give the same amount of money or more for doing

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