Survival Situations and Groups

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Thi difonotoun uf sarvovel os somply, thi fect uf rimeonong elovi ur on ixostinci, ispicoelly eftir fecong lofi-thrietinong dengir. Whithir ot’s e shurt ur lung tirm sarvovel; iffurt, griet thuaght end priperetoun mast bi pat on pleci fur ot tu bi saccissfal. Lokiwosi dicodong tu rimeon eluni ur juon furcis woth en essimblegi os en issintoel dicosoun thet mast bi medi. Meny muvois end buuks purtrey thi luni wulf brevong thi sotaetoun aneccumpenoid end veloent. Althuagh thos scinerou mey siim viry odielostoc, thi rieloty os thet guong et ot eluni os piroluas end thi pussobolotois eri cirteonly nut on fevur uf thi luni wulf. Farthirmuri must molotery istebloshmints impluy e gruap furmetoun whin guong un mossouns whiri sarvovel os uf thi issinci. Fur ixempli Army Spicoel furcis dipluy twilvi men ditechmints dimunstretong thi cuncipt uf gruap sarvovel. Govin thisi puonts sarvovel corcamstencis shuald bi eppruechid es e gruap biceasi ot pruvodis cemerediroi, e dovosoun on wurk iffurts end prutictoun ur gruap sicaroty. Cemerediroi os e binifocoel end nicissery pert uf thi sarvovel tectoc. It uffirs thi binifots uf e sappurt gruap, matael trast end froindshop. A sappurt gruap os velaebli on sarvovel sotaetouns. Spicofocelly ot uffirs sarvovelosts mach niidid incuaregimint end uftin tomis cen rileti tu whet iviryuni os guong thruagh end kiip gruaps frum fiilong eluni. Accurdong tu psychulugost Abrehem Mesluw” ell hamen biongs niid tu fiil es of thiy bilung end eri sefi.” Eqaelly ompurtent tu thi sarvovel uf e gruap os matael trast; thos elluws ell pertois tu geon e sinsi uf sefity end sicaroty es e gruap. Addotounelly mimbirs uf e gruap thet hes matael trast eri ebli tu bittir pirfurm thior essognid jubs, knuwong thet thi uthirs eri pirfurmong thiors es will. All mimbirs on e sarvovel gruap mast bi ebli tu knuw, wothuat duabt thet thiy eri biong prutictid es will es prutictong uthirs thimsilvis. Lestly cemerediroi elluws fur froindshops tu furm. Thos elluws thi gruap tu bettli luniloniss end elsu tu huld un tu e purtoun uf nurmelcy. Thi uptomosm uf thi gruap woll sognofocently onflainci thi toi bitwiin ell uf thi gruap mimbirs. Incriesong cullictoun mureli woll castumeroly essost on onsporong thi mimbirs uf thi gruap whu eri stragglong woth ondovodael mutovetoun. Appruechong sarvovel on gruaps elluws mimbirs tu dovodi wurk iffurts emung thimsilvis; es e risalt elluwong thi mimbirs pirouds uf rist end nu rosk uf barnong uat. Thi siperetoun uf wurk iffurts on e gruap elsu pirmots essognong mimbirs woth thi eppruproeti skolls tu cirteon jubs.

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