Quantitative Research Methodology

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This section intends to provide an understanding of the methodology that was used to conduct the present study, the methodological processes that were followed, to meet the aim and objectives. It also focused on a quantitative methodological approach which is pre and post experimental design. It also discusses the population and sample of the study, as well as the data collection instruments. This was followed by the data collection procedure and how the data was analysed. Reliability and validity are important to ensure that the data collection instruments provide accurate indications of the variables under study; Finally, the researcher identified the measures to be taken to ensure ethical practices …show more content…

Within the quantitative paradigm, the researcher uses strategies of inquiry, such as experiments and surveys, to yield statistical data (Laura & James, 2013), This data is collected on predetermined instruments …show more content…

Jones (2014) considers experimental design as a design which takes a sample from a population and data is collected generally from questionnaires. With experimental research, the researcher has a very high level of control over their variables. By isolating and determining what they are looking for, they have a great advantage in finding accurate results(Denzin & Lincoln,2013). pre and post designs refer to the measurement of the learning received during the research; as a result of comparing what the researcher knew before in a pre-test and after what the researcher experience in a post-test(Creswell, 2013).Pre and post experimental Design is a method of research in the social sciences in which a controlled experimental factor is subjected to special treatment for purposes of comparison with a factor kept constant (Louis, Lawrence, & Keith, 2011). pre and post design focuses on two variables being measured on the same sample (Hegde, 2015). With pre and post experimental design, the researcher measures existing variables, such as SRHR and young men. pre and post studies are able to study differences across individuals, at the same time.

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