Mental Retardation

525 Words2 Pages

Mental Retardation

Mental retardation is defined as, an individual with limitations in

cognitive ability and adaptive behaviors that interfere with learning.

Individuals with mental retardation learn at a slower pace, have low

IQs, and may reach a level where learning stops. There are no exact

causes for mental retardation but some things are associated with the

disability. Prenatal development problems, childbirth difficulties,

and a childhood brain injury can all lead to mental retardation.

An individual with mental retardation might have problems in learning

and social skills. Learning problems can include: difficulty making

decisions, short attention spans, and limited strategies for dealing

with changes. Problems they face with social skills are being to

friendly, difficulty labeling emotions, and being wary of new places.

Despite the setbacks and individual with mental retardation can

receive an education and lead a productive role in society.

"I Am Sam" is about a mentally retarded man named Sam (Sean Penn). In...

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