Embarrassing Memories Essay

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If the world had no memories of the past through the present the world and the people who live in it would be better. Through the past, there have been some distant but fairly new memories that could be embarrassing or exciting. In your past memories there have been some embarrassing thoughts. These thoughts could have been you or someone else. For example, you could have said the wrong answer in class or sent and embarrassing text to someone else, but all those are little things. You could have tripped over the cord at a dance and ruined it or said and embarrassing speech in front of the school. These thoughts would have been painful and torture to think of back in the past. It could have been your friend who was embarrassed and you were involved. He or she could have blamed something stupid on you or have asked a girl out and said he was doing it for you. No one can beat the queen of all embarrassment which is your mom. Your mom tortures you with embarrassment. If she is chaperoning at a dance and …show more content…

People are going to die in your life that you know, or if you are just good friends. These memories are the most painful out of all the memories in the world and in yourself. When a family member dies in your family you feel like killing yourself. You feel like the entire world has ended, everything is circling around you and stressing you out. You don’t talk for a week, your start failing classes and you your temper increases fast. You get in trouble in class and your family is quite. When you think it 's all over another one, then another then another, then all of a sudden you forget you age then it 's you. Sadness takes over the body if you 're older then you drink it over or do drugs but then it doesn 't work. You have thoughts of suicide. Don’t make sadness feel like the end of the world. Go out and fulfill your dreams and be yourself. It’s going to happen to all of us, so be

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