Meeting the Diverse Needs of all Students: Teaching and Learning Strategies that I Plan to Use as a New Teacher

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I believe that as a teacher there will be two initial steps that I will need take in order for me to successfully offer students in my classroom an education that is accessible to all. First I will need to acknowledge that all students’ are unique individuals and that their emotional, educational, social and physical needs are diverse and will require differentiated approaches. Secondly, I need to have an attitude that values diversity and know that all students will have talents, abilities and the capability to learn.

The learning environment is one of the most important attributes of the teaching-learning context, therefore, teachers must put a lot of thought into the planning and designing stages of setting up a classroom. Teachers need to ensure that both the physical and emotional aspects of the learning environment are safe and welcoming. I would ensure that all students have full access to all of the activities and resources in the classroom. For example, I would make sure that any students with visual impairments were seated at an optimal position to see the board. I believe that by creating an accessible environment and ensuring that the students have an active role in the organization of the classroom it will encourage the feeling of independence and belonging. For students to feel emotionally secure teachers will need to ensure that students have the required functional skills and appropriate social development to fully participate in all of the designed learning experiences.

When creating a classroom environment teachers need to be aware of the many barriers that may affect learning. Curriculum is said to one of the main barriers to creating an inclusive learning environment. For example, if a teacher expects all...

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...ties that I might face.

Works Cited

Ashman, A. & Elkins, J. (2009). Education for inclusion and diversity. French Forest , N.S.W: Pearson Education Australia.

Cramer, S. & Stivers, J. (2007). Don’t give up! Practical strategies for challenging collaborations. Teaching Exceptional Children,39(6),6-11.

Lewis, G., & Batts, L & K. (2005). How to implement differentiated instruction: Journal of Staff Development, 26 (4), 26-31.

Pisha, B., & Coyne,P. (2001). Smart from the start: the promise of universal design for learning. Remedial and Special Education,22(4), 197-203.

Shaddock, A., Giorcelli, L., & Smith, S. (2007). Students with disabilities in mainstream classrooms: a resource guide for teachers. Canberra:ACT. Retrieved from

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