Medical Treatment for Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder

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The different causes of what might start the onset of autism are often featured in the news and can also become a hot debate. I chose the topic of autism treatment because I am interested in whether there is a possibility of a cure. It has many different types that fall within a wide spectrum. This area of research is important because it affects so many children as well as families. According to, autism affects 1 in 88 children. Science is advancing and making the right track to better help move more children and adults with autism to best outcome situations. Since it’s finding, there has been many types of treatment for autism. This includes early intervention, transitional services, behavioral treatment as well as a few medicines. Right now, new research for medicines that affect autism at the cellular level shows a promising lead to a new treatment for those in need.

The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Strokes define autism spectrum disorder as, “a range of complex neurodevelopment disorders, characterized by social impairments, communication difficulties, and restricted, repetitive, and stereotyped patterns of behavior”. Social impairment is the main mark of a child with ASD. Milestones not being met during infancy, such as responding to name, babbling or pointing by the age of one is often a sign that a child may have ASD. There are no medical test to determine if a child has autism so evaluations, questionnaires and other screening measures are used.
During the first three yours of our development is a very critical time, the brain goes through many different chancges and processes. During this time a person with a child with ASD’s brain may become damaged or altered in a signific...

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McPheeters ML, et al. (2011) A systematic review of medical treatments for children with autism spectrum disorders. Pediatrics 127(5):e1312–e1321.
Siegel, Bryna. "Autism." Child Development. Ed. Neil J. Salkind. New York: Macmillan Reference USA, 2002. 40-43. Gale Virtual Reference Library. Web. 28 Sept. 2013.¤tPosition=1&contentSet=GALE%7CCX3418500220&&docId=GALE|CX3418500220&docType=GALE
"Study Opens Promising New Direction in Autism Research."(2013, March, 13) Retrieved, 13 Mar. 2013 from

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