Stethoscope Essay

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Medical professionals have many tools of the trade we use to provide care for our patients. The stethoscope is used equally between nurses and doctors and has direct contact with infectious bacteria. Unfortunately, many healthcare professionals deny frequent sanitization practices of their stethoscope. Multiple studies identify that the stethoscope is a vector for pathogens. If we are washing our hands before and after patient contact, shouldn’t we do the same with our stethoscope?

As healthcare workers, we use multiple tools to aid in assessment and care for our patients. These tools can serve as a vector for bacteria and viruses once it encounters a pathogen. Per the Centers for Disease Control, “1.7 million American patients …show more content…

(2010) to investigate potential sources of contamination caused by healthcare workers. The study monitored medical doctors within various fields of their hospital. Stethoscopes, pens, cell phones, and white coats were all swabbed to identify what tools significantly harbor bacteria. 436 swabs in total were taken and applied to MacConkey’s and Sabauraud dextrose agar plates and incubated for 24-48 hours. Staphylococcus and E. coli were the predominant gram positive and negative cultures. When reviewing correlations, contamination of stethoscopes increased as contamination of cell phones went up significantly. The same relationship occurred between pens and stethoscopes. 55% of stethoscopes resulted in cultures having multiple flora growing. This study is not surprising as we now have protocols in our hospitals to always wash our hands. Infection rates need to be observed in conjunction with a study analyzing potential …show more content…

Participants included physicians and nurses working in the emergency department and inpatient units. First, the research assistance would observe healthcare workers in the morning during the beginning of their rounds to assess their baseline disinfection process. After gathering baseline data, baskets with alcohol swabs and reminder stickers were applied outside patient rooms. Three weeks passed before re-examination took place. Disinfection process significantly increased from 34% to 59% of users. Nurses performed more stethoscope hygiene in comparison to doctors. Nurses disinfected at 13% in phase one and 67% in phase 2. Physicians had a higher disinfection process at the beginning with 39% compliance, but only increased to 58% after

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