The Effect Of Media On Women's Body Image

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Media is everywhere. From T.V commercials to popular magazines, media exist. It has created norms that people have adopted in their everyday lives. Women have been forced to believe that they are inferior to men and are incompetent individuals. Society has given women the short end of the stick. Woman have been led to a corner of insecurity and despondency due to the reprehensible effect of the media. There are many aspects that the media tries to alter about women, however, the media’s effect on women’s body image is greatly recognized. According to a statistic made by the journalist Ella Marsh, “Four out of five women in the U.S. are unhappy with their appearance.”(Marsh) How does media continue to control the body image of …show more content…

Katie Reece, a sociology professor, elaborated on questions she was asked about this issue during an interview. Reece stated that “the media makes women choose what to wear or how they look in the morning every day.”(Reece) She state that it is outrageous that women turn to the media to for guidance on how to look. When asked how long she thought the media would be around, she said, “Forever.”(Reece) She added on saying that as long as women are insecure about themselves, the media will continue to promote images. Reece believes that women should protest more on this issue because it “greatly affects their lives.”(Reece) She thinks the social norms that the media brings on us does not have to be accepted. “Women have a choice to say no to what they media presents to them.” stated Reece. (Reece) She concludes with saying that “women are more beautiful when they are themselves. Not when they are overshadowed by the media.”(Reece) Seeing this prospective from a woman, demonstrates how not all women are accepting the media’s garbage. Woman are individuals and are socially capable of making a change. The knowledge of knowing change can occur, is a step forward for woman …show more content…

The media is a growing, manipulating industry that preys off of people. It is important to note that media is functions everywhere. Media exist on T.V, in magazines, on billboards, the display of models and celebrities, and even the music we listen to. Women have been prone to this idea that they must be slim and unrealistically beautiful. Women everywhere, including adolescent females, have went on outrageous diets and even have formed eating disorders. Deaths have even occurred in some cases from eating disorders. The media literally “kills”!! Furthermore, women are facing a competitor that has dominate their appearance for decades. The media has promoted women to try to look like the models they publicize, which in reality is impossible. The exploitation of the media to kids should raise a concern to parents. The younger generation of females could be a repeat of the current generation of adult women. If this process continues, the media is benefiting over the general public. Women can fight back against the crimes of the media and create their own unique image. The media has damaged the lives of women; women should want to fight back. The day that women obtain their true identity, history will be made. Some critics may argue that change will never occur and believer that media will reign for a very long time. However, even with this argument, women should still question whether or not their mirror

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