rail road expansion

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Following the Civil War, railroad construction took off at a fast pace. In the twenty-five years between 1865 and 1890, the miles of railroad track in the United States increased from 35,000 to 200,000. The enormous increase in track produced a boost in America's economy. The farming economy was greatly helped by the expansion of the railroad system, which became one of the main and most efficient ways to transport farmers' produce. This was especially helpful to farms in remote locations. The expanded railroad system enabled farmers to produce more crops because of the greater potential shipping locations that became available. It also made products such as corn and grain available to locations where the crop wasn't produced. It made things that used to be a luxury in some regions a common item to have. The increasing railroad was also beneficial to cities' economies that had tracks running through them. It helped the city import and export goods, which helped produce and ship better products in a timelier manner to a larger number of people and businesses. More potential customers led to larger factories and companies, which led to more job opportunities. These cities also generated more people coming in by train, providing people with a time-efficient way to travel to visit family and take trips. In a way, the railroad system made the United States seem a lot smaller than it was before the Civil War. Another way the railroad system changed America was the way people went about their daily lives. Before the arrival and departure times of trains, the concept of time wasn't as important. However, afterward, people became accustomed to picking things up, meeting people, or getting on trains at certain times. As distance became less important, time became more important. It is this concept of time that has carried over to the present day. We are oriented around times and dates, from airline departures and arrivals to work schedules to social events. We no longer view the world as a big place that takes a long time to get from one place to another, but rather what time we will be there. People today can take more trips for fun to see friends and relatives who live far away more often because of the quick travel options we now have. This was not possible in the past.

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